Correlation Ultrasonographic Features and the Expression of ER, PR, Pathologic Histology Grading in Breast Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Between 乳腺浸润性导管癌超声征象与病理组织学分级及ER、PR表达的相关性研究
Pathologic Histology of Alternanthera philoxeroides Infested by Fusarium stoveri Isolate 32-6 蕉斑镰刀菌32-6菌株侵染空心莲子草的组织病理观察
Objective To illustrate the clinical features, pathologic histology and the change of ultramicrostructure of hemiatrophy. 目的了解偏侧萎缩症的临床特点、病理组织学和超微结构改变。
The relationship between morphology and type of pathologic histology in 47 cases of early gastric cancer were studied primarily. 对47例早期胃癌(尤其是小胃癌、微小胃癌)的形态与病理组织学类型之间的关系做了初步研究。
The patient's age, general form of tumor, pathologic histology type, ER/ PR affinity histochemistry stain, mucin histochemistry stain in gastric carcinoma with ovary metastasis were significantly different from those in carcinoma with no-ovarian transfer ( P < 0.01). 32例胃癌卵巢转移病例原发灶和对照组胃癌在年龄、胃癌大体形态、病理组织学类型、ER、PR亲和组化染色、黏蛋白组化染色结果差异有显著性(P<0.01)。
Pathologic histology indicated acute alveolitis between 3 and 14 days after bleomycin injection and diffuse pulmonary fibrosis on day 28. Conclusion: Peroxidation damage and inflammatory cells might play an important role in the development of pulmonary fibrosis. 肺组织病理学第3~7天表现为急性肺泡炎,第28天肺纤维化形成。结论:脂质过氧化及炎症细胞在肺纤维化的发生中起重要作用。
The change of pathologic histology induced by cadmium in immune organ of cock 染镉雏鸡免疫器官的病理组织学变化
In 242 cases we have observed the diseases during the newborn infant phase and the changes of pathologic histology of thymus. The changes in the thymus-cortical lymphocytes are the main cause in the change of the weight of thymus. 本文观察了242例新生儿期疾病与胸腺的病理组织学变化,胸腺皮质淋巴细胞的变化是胸腺重量变化的主要原因。
[ Methods] Two groups of mice which were respectively consisted of 16 TX mice and 16 inbred control, DL mice were used in this research. Pathologic histology HE staining and electron microscope were adopted together with some copper biochemistry indexes determined. 【方法】TX小鼠16只以及同系DL小鼠16只分别作为病例组和对照组,测定各自的血清铜、铜蓝蛋白等铜生化指标,用光学显微镜常规HE染色及电镜观察肝脏病理学特点。
SN To observe the changes of the blood circulation and biomechanical capability of femoral head in the differ period after removing internal fixations using image analyses of X-ray, pathologic histology, SPECT and biomechanical methods. 采用X线图像分析、组织学、SPECT及股骨头生物力学性能检测等方法,观察内固定物存留或取出后不同时期股骨头血运及生物力学指标的变化情况。
The dead cause of a disease was further analyzed from the aspect of pathologic histology by carrying on pathology section for the heart, liver, lung, kidney and intestine. 以上研究通过对送检猫的心脏、肝脏、脾脏、肺脏、肾脏以及肠等组织脏器进行病理学切片,从病理组织学角度对其死亡病因作进一步的分析。
Pancreas pathologic histology: pancreas tissues were embedded in paraffin and sliced into sections, stained by hematoxylin and eosin. Observed the pancreatic pathologic changes by pathologist with light microscope, on the principle of blindness according to the reported grade standard. 3. 胰腺组织学检查:胰腺组织经石蜡包埋、切片,行HE染色后,按照盲法原则由病理医师在光镜下观察病理学改变,分级标准按文献报道。
The body length, body weight, fullness, liver weight/ body weight, blood biochemical index and the pathologic histology of the liver, spleen and intestinal tract were checked every 20 days. 每20天进行体重、体长、丰满系数、肝胰脏重/体重比、血清生化指标检测(ALP、ALB、ALT、AST、TP)以及肝胰脏、脾脏和肠道的组织学检查。